Members Login Welcome to the login page for the Church Members Only area. Certain parts of our church's web site are now located here for security and privacy reasons. Click below to update your profile. Click below for church documents If you require access to the member area, please email your name and address to communications@mtlevelmbc.org. You must be a current member of Mt Level Missionary Baptist Church. Once verification of membership is established, you will receive your username and password via email. [Note: The verification process is not automated. Please allow at least three days to receive a confirmation email. Thank you.]
One of the great features of the site is an online member directory. Your entry in the directory is maintained by you. You can upload a digital picture, as well as enter a family description. Please take some time to enter your family profile this week so we can begin using the directory! TO ENTER YOUR PROFILE Click on the Members page and then then Enter Profile button
You can now go to the member directory and view the entries by other church emmbers. Click on the names and you will be taken to their profiles and pictures if they entered one. |